Hello everyone! Does it seem like a while since we talked? Well, let me tell you what’s been going on.
My life has been playing out sort of like a country song. In February, Kid 1 got sick and spent a week in the hospital. While this was happening, Kid 2 had the flu.
Everyone recovered and we had about a week of semi-normal, then Kid 1 got the flu. Then Wife got the flu.
Then, she went to go take a hot bath and realized that the water heater had gone out. Parts, pieces, plumbers, and a bit of flooding ensued, and all-told we were out of hot water for nearly five days. On the fifth day, the tree in our front yard fell over.
So, I’ve been dealing with some stuff.
In dealing with the stuff, I sort of missed the launch of my newest book, The Wrong Roads. This is an anthology covering road trips gone wrong in all fifty states. It is an awesome book featuring some of the best up-and-coming horror writers in the field. And the paperback version is only $7.75 right now!
Click here to buy the book and as always, please read it and leave a review for us. Reviews are the most effective way you can help an author out, so please give us one when you can.
That’s all for now!