Just in time for Halloween: MY NEW BOOK!!!

Buy it here!!!

Happy Spooky Season! I hope October has you curled up watching your favorite scary movies and reading new scary books from obscure indie authors! If the latter is your bag, then, boy, do I have a deal for you!

My second collection of shorts, entitled A Trick Of The Light is in pre-order now for only ninety-nine cents! And the book has fifteen stories in it. That’s precisely 6.6 cents per story. Now that I think about it, I should have charged a dollar instead so that each story was 6.66 cents. That would have been funny. But, oh well.

Anyway, please buy my book. Please rate and review my book. And please tell your friends about it so that they’ll buy and review it.

Oh yeah, it also has four stories that have been dramatized on the NoSleep Podcast! So you know they’re good!

And if you haven’t already subscribed to my email list, please get on that. There’s a subscribe button right over there. <—

This week I sent out an exclusive free story that has not been published anywhere before. Subscribe and I’ll send it!

Well, that’s about it for now. Have a great weekend!

The Moonlit Road is officially a #1 on Amazon

Well, Monday was an interesting day. My first solo project, The Moonlit Road launched in the morning and I set about promoting it. Well, promoting is a bold word. I actually had a lot of real job work to do so I was only really able to post links on a few Facebook groups and actually got within arm’s length of Twitter to let them know too.

Around noon, I was curious so I checked my stats. I was thrilled that my little book seemed to be a contender. I was #1015 in Horror Anthologies and #4407 in Fiction Anthologies. To me, that was absolutely CRUSHING IT! (more…)

a strange glitch…

Many of you may have noticed that you can purchase the paperback version of the book now while the e-book is still in pre-order mode. This was not done on purpose, and I hope to have it fixed today.

Let me explain.

When preparing a book launch, you need certain ingredients. You need to have a whole lot of words in some sort of order, and then you need a cover and a table of contents. You need acknowledgements and chapter headings, and if you’re so inclined, an “About the author”, which for me is the hardest thing to do out of all of it. (more…)

Thank You’s and Shout-Outs


Click on the picture to buy a copy!

I would say that introductions are in order but I think I always struggle to sound interesting and clever for a few sentences and it never quite works and I get frustrated and go do something else, always having this seed of a great idea in my head for what should be an article to share with my friends and fans, but ends up being something I trick myself out of doing.

So, if you want my origin story, check out one or another of my podcasts, or just hang out for a while and see if you like what you read. (more…)



William Stuart


The door opened. He set his helmet on the dryer.

“Daddy! Daddy!” the chorus rang. His two girls ran to him and holding a leg each, tried to hug him as hard as they could.

“Do you know what we did in school today?” asked 5-year-old Sarah.

“What?” he asked, genuinely interested.

“We made dinosaurs!” she exclaimed, holding up her picture.

“That’s great honey!” he replied.

“Da Da!” his younger daughter said, with just as much excitement.

“Well hello, Baby!” he said as he picked her up and hugged her to his chest.

“Nothing’s thawed so it’s leftovers and macaroni for the kids.” said his wife.

“I don’t want macaroni!” said Sara.

“Well, that’s what we have, so that’s what there is.”

“I don’t want that either,” he said.

“We can’t afford to eat out again and that’s what there is.”

“I think we can afford a hamburger,” he countered.

“Yay!” said Sara as her mother raised an eyebrow.

“Way!” said the baby and his heart broke in two.


The government man had been snooping around the last few days. He carried a leather binder and smelled of office coffee and bullshit. He’d come to “assess operations” after a containment breach in sector 7G. Only he had arrived two days too late. The breach had been contained and everything had been sealed up and back to normal. Then this guy.

“Mama, please?”

“Ma-ma! Peez!” echoed the baby.

He looked at his wife and shrugged, tears fighting to be released, but now, bacon cheese and curly fries.

“And another round,” he said, motioning toward their drinks.

“Hitting it a little hard?” she asked.

He shrugged and downed the bottle. All he had to offer was a smile.


“So that’s it?”

“That’s it,” said the government man. “Go home, Hug your kids. Make love to your wife. We’re done here.”


“You have about seven hours till the end of the world. You want to spend it arguing with me?”

“I guess…”

“Look. We are trying to contain this. You, me, the rest of us, we’re done-for. But maybe…” He shrugged.



“Yes, honey?”

“Avery says I’m not pretty.”

“You know what? Fuck Avery.”



“Just go home. There’s nothing more anyone can do.”


“Goodnight Mr. Thompson.



“And then everybody and everything said, “Rawrrr!!!” and that’s how that movie ended!” said one child.

“DaddyMomma!” said the other.

He kept them up for as long as he could. His wife was annoyed at first but they knew each other well enough. She could tell something was dreadfully wrong. She sat quietly and sipped her wine while he played with the kids.

“Come on, Momma!” they called. It was nearing eleven at night. She set down her glass and piled on. The baby was dozing on the floor, still giggling occasionally in her sleep.

They put Sara to bed and made love on the sofa. He tried to remember a time when his wife looked more beautiful than she did at this very moment. He knew the jets were already flying. He held her close and finally allowed himself to cry as she drifted off to sleep.

May 14 2019

Well, I said I was going to use the site for journaling so that I could keep in touch with you and tell you what’s going on. See, I write to slowly and edit too obsessively to have a new story for you each week. This is especially true now as I’m trying to finish a couple of longer pieces then edit some others to have a bunch of original content for my (hopefully) upcoming solo record. I mean book.

So, what’s been going on? (more…)

News, Thoughts, and Updates

Okay, so I had a nice, long, friendly post explaining life, the universe, and everything and was just about to publish it when a single keystroke deleted it all and auto-save finished the job.

So, because time is short already, here’s the concise version:

  1. I’ve been busy.
  2. I’ve been having a break from both writing and social media interaction these past few weeks and it’s been fantastic.
  3. (Not the writing part, the social media part)
  4. I serve too many masters and my efforts in upcoming days will be to consolidate some functions so that I’m not flitting from site to site, page to page, group to group, twitter to twitter, redditt to reddit, etc to etc.
  5. Because when you focus any attention on one of those things, the rest get pissy for being neglected and there’s nothing that says, “Modern Man” better than trying to give the metaphorical tit to a bunch of whiny algorithms ALL. THE. TIME.
  6. I think I’m going to use this site more often to discuss things that are more personal. I’ve got the podcast but the theme and the rss setup is not conducive to written posts. Not a huge deal to fix, but I have this site too, so what the hell?
  7. So then, I’m not making any promises but you’ll probably see more coming out of here in the near future.
  8. Avengers End Game and Game of Thrones were both amazing, global testaments to the power of story and character. Loved every second of them both.
  9. Got to go, busy, busy, buzy.
  10. Love you all.



The Wrong Roads Anthology is Here!

Hello everyone! Does it seem like a while since we talked? Well, let me tell you what’s been going on.

My life has been playing out sort of like a country song. In February, Kid 1 got sick and spent a week in the hospital. While this was happening, Kid 2 had the flu.

Everyone recovered and we had about a week of semi-normal, then Kid 1 got the flu. Then Wife got the flu.

Then, she went to go take a hot bath and realized that the water heater had gone out. Parts, pieces, plumbers, and a bit of flooding ensued, and all-told we were out of hot water for nearly five days. On the fifth day, the tree in our front yard fell over.

So, I’ve been dealing with some stuff.

In dealing with the stuff, I sort of missed the launch of my newest book, The Wrong Roads. This is an anthology covering road trips gone wrong in all fifty states. It is an awesome book featuring some of the best up-and-coming horror writers in the field. And the paperback version is only $7.75 right now!

Click here to buy the book and as always, please read it and leave a review for us. Reviews are the most effective way you can help an author out, so please give us one when you can.

That’s all for now!
